Reinhard Voigt
Reinhard Voigt, born 1940, is a German artist and ceramist. After being trained as a ceramist, Voigt studied painting at the art academy in Hamburg from 1965 to 1971. In 1978 he emigrated to New York and lived in the US until relocating back to his hometown Berlin in 2017.
Voigt developed his unique style as an art student after he had been strongly fascinated by his mother's cross-stitch embroidery. The process of reducing images to grids and squares laid the foundation for Voigt's artistic elaboration of the abstract and the figurative.
The grid became his lifelong basis and site for exploring rather unusual motifs in post-war art - the beauty of the female face, the flower, the landscape.
Works by the artist can be found in the Bank of America Collection, London, the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, the Museum of Modern Art, New York and private collections.